Entering HTML

You can use HTML code to format your comments. It is recommended to use the preview option for checking the result before finally submitting the comment. Checking this option enables these HTML tags:

<b> formats a text in <b>bold</b>

<i> formats the text in <i>italics</i>

<u> formats the text <u>unterlined</u>

<tt> formats the text <tt>monospaced</tt>

Adding a link:
<a href="http://www.domain.de/">My Homepage</a>
<a href="http://domain.com/" title="Have a look here!">My Homepage</a>

E-Mail link:
<a href="mailto:name@domain.de">Write to me!</a>
<a href="mailto:name@domain.com" title="My email address">Write to me!</a>

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